\b0 There are four main cheeses from Auvergne that find their way onto the gourmet's tab
le: \i Saint-Nectaire\i0 , \i fourme d'Ambert\i0 , \i bleu d'Auvergne\i0 , and \i Cantal\i0 . All are made from cow's milk but differ greatly from one another in taste, shape, and the process by which they are made. \i Saint-Nectaire\i0 has a round and
flat form, \i bleu d'Auvergne\i0 resembles \i Roquefort\i0 (made with sheep's milk), \i Cantal\i0 can be mild or have a stronger flavor, and \i fourme d'Ambert\i0 is made at high altitudes (1200-1300 m / 3900-4300 ft) when the herds are grazing the h